
I have used the nom de plume of “Sally Caves” for about twenty years, starting with the teleplay I wrote for Star Trek: The Next Generation called “Hollow Pursuits,” which aired in April 1990. About a man who becomes addicted to a virtual reality (“holoddiction”), the story speaks to my own fascination with all kinds of virtualities, one of which is my life-long invented language: Teonaht.

The words to the left are the names of the Teonaht letters, and my main page, in bad need of updating, can be found here. For the moment. As for my other virtualities, I am a resident of a 3D immersive/interactive digital environment called Second Life (where I manifest as “Hypatia Pickens”) and make virtual films in that setting called “machinima,” such as this one, which I post on YouTube. I’m a poet, a fiction writer, a scholar, an artist (see my burgeoning flickr page), a sometime composer of music and a teacher of medieval literature and film studies.

My production on this blog will be slow (given my activities!) and I have another blogspot called concavities, which is a little more comprehensive, but probably equally slow to develop.